storage tips

Is Your Green Meat Festive, or Has it Gone Bad?

Is Your Green Meat Festive, or Has it Gone Bad?

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Today is a fun day to celebrate and eat lots of green coloured foods. However, green is not your friend when it comes to meat. We’ve been getting many questions lately at our meat shop about how long you can keep your meat in the fridge and freezer and how to know when your meat has gone bad.

How to Freeze Left Over Easter Ham

How to Freeze Left Over Easter Ham

While you can keep your leftover Easter ham in the fridge for up to a week, we know you’ll likely want to extend its shelf life. Although there are plenty of great ways to use leftover ham, you might not want to be eating ham for the next few weeks straight! So, grab your trusty freezer bags or heavy-duty airtight Tupperware and let’s freeze the ham for other meals down the road!