We believe that the more Alberta farmers connect with customers, the better. Knowing your farmer leads to knowing your food, and ultimately a deeper connection and appreciation between us all.
Each family farm and ranch across Alberta has a unique story, and we hope that you enjoy getting to know who we are, what we do, and how we do it at Spragg’s Meat Shop through our Spotlight Q&A series.
Last month, we interviewed co-owner of Spragg’s Meat Shop, Bonnie Spragg. This month, we’re excited to introduce you to Bonnie and Greg’s daughter, Ruth Spragg, who’s spent her entire life growing up on the farm, appreciating the land, connecting with nature and working alongside her family.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself?
I am in grade 9 at Rosemary school. I play on the senior girls’ basketball team. I like going to Brooks with my friends to watch a movie or go swimming.
Q: How has life on the farm shaped you?
I think farm life has shaped me for the better. I know that I can’t just lie in my bed all day. I have to do my chores, so that I can have my animals. I have also learned that sometimes you have to try multiple times to get something to work the way you want it to work.
Q: Do you have any favourite memories?
I have lots of fun memories from when I was a kid, running around the yard, or riding my bike. I also remember going on my swing set in the back yard every day. When my grandparents are at our house during hunting season, my grandma and I always go on walks in the evening, and that is always fun.
Q: What's your favourite chore? Least favourite chore?
I don’t like doing any chores, but if I had to pick a favourite, it would be halter breaking my sheep for 4-H. My least favourite would be carrying buckets of water for my animals.
Q: Tell us about the 4-H program. How old were you when you started raising animals on your own? Greatest accomplishment so far?
This is my 4th year in 4-H. When I started, I had 200 pheasants and four sheep. Now, I have seven sheep, but by the show, I should have 11 or more depending on how many lambs my ews have. This is my first year doing pigs as a 4-H project, and I have three of them. Last year, I won first place with my yearling ew, and I also have my bronze award of excellence.
Q: What's it like growing up in a family business? How do you help with the business today?
I like having a family business, because whenever I want money for something I just have to walk to the shop after school and work for 3 hours. I will do anything from running the front to making recipes to labeling sausage.
Q: Do you like cooking? What's your favourite meal to enjoy with your family?
I like eating food, but I am not very good at cooking. My favourite would be tenderloin steaks.
Q: What's next for you? What are you most excited about right now?
I am excited to be going into grade 10 next year and being in high school. When I graduate, I want to get an agribusiness degree, and then own the meat shop.